dube Moulder Architects



  • 是什么激发了你想成为一名建筑师?

My father was the one who inspired me to be an architect when I was a child. 我五岁的时候就知道我想成为他那样的人. 从很小的时候开始, watching him work made it clear that it was a profession I'd be interested in later. I enjoyed looking over his shoulder and seeing what he was doing on his drafting board. 我小时候在DMA花了很多时间,甚至在周末. I didn't even think it was a job as it didn't seem like work but more of a hobby, 做一些有趣的事, and to realize that he is a professional and gets paid to draw every day and be creative was inspiring. 这是我喜欢这个职业的一点. 也, as a child, playing with Lincoln Logs, K’Nex and Lego sets helped me spark creativity.

  • 你在哪里获得硕士学位的?

在堪萨斯州立大学,和我父亲是同一所大学. 他们提供了 硕士 作为一个五年的项目.

  • 你所受的教育达到你的期望了吗?

Somewhat: school prepared me for the creative and conceptual side of architecture, but it didn't prepare me for the technical and business aspects of the profession.

  • 你打算什么时候拿到驾照?

希望在明年九月. 我目前正在为我的第六次考试学习.

  • 你将来想拥有自己的公司吗?

我现在想得更多了, 而不是我在上一家公司工作的时候, 因为我马上就要拿到执照了, 和我父亲一起工作的时候, I can learn so much about the business and the type of architecture I want to create. I’m hoping this experience will prepare me for having the opportunity to have my own firm. Yet I’m aware there are many different directions I can take once I get licensed.

  • 你喜欢用什么软件?

我喜欢用 草图大师 最多,因为它的限制最少. It allows me to push and pull surfaces around in a playful way, much like clay.

  • 获得硕士学位后你在哪里工作?

For a little over two years I worked at a commercial architecture firm in Kansas City called 即体系结构 ; they are the second largest architecture firm in Kansas City and they cover a large range of projects in the commercial industry ranging from shopping outlets and centers, 杂货店, 酒店, 办公室, 还有电影院.

  • 你在做什么工作?

当我刚开始在那里工作时, I was working on Walmart remodels across the country for about a year and a half. 然后我换了系, and I was working on a new construction project for an AMC movie theater. I also worked on a renovation project for a seven-story movie theater in New York City, 哪个是最有趣的.

  • 你为什么离开那家公司来DMA?

Some of the commercial projects I was involved with lacked creativity. 也, working for a smaller firm should give me more opportunities to get exposed to all phases of design, 来自方案设计, 建设行政管理, 以及介于两者之间的一切. The work DMA provides is also more customized and there is more design required. I will additionally be exposed to more client interaction and project variety and have more responsibilities.

  • So far, how is it different working at DMA from what you were doing before?

我在前一家公司所做的都是原型, so I was more of a drafts person than a designer and that could feel a little repetitive. 从建筑文件的角度来看,这很有趣, as I was able to complete bid sets of drawings quickly and efficiently all by myself. 我也做过一些项目管理,这很有用. 整体, 这是一次很好的经历, but in the end I wasn’t learning as much as I’ve learned here in a very short time period.

  • 你认为你将在DMA中发展哪些技能?

与客户沟通的技巧, figuring out what their end goals are and providing a solution to their problem. 还有设计方面的技能, from the programmatic phase to the time the drawings go out to bid; basically the whole design process, 这包括手绘. Some people might think I’m crazy because I'm a millennial who still considers hand-drafting an important skill. It might be viewed as old school technology by some but I think it's important to preserve the artistic nature of architecture, 我当然想提高这项技能, especially since my father has proven to be successful with it and is willing to teach me.

  • 什么和谁在建筑上激励你?

从纸上的想法变成实物是非常鼓舞人心的, especially when the end result has such a large impact on the people and the environment. 就建筑师而言, 我觉得弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特非常鼓舞人心, because he was such a perfectionist and his work is so neat and orderly. While I'm still inspired by him, I also find inspiration in other more modern architects like 伦佐皮亚诺他是一名建筑师,父亲是一名承包商. He is very innovative and does a good job exploring new technologies and finding new ways that building tectonics can go together using different materials. 他在建筑师、承包商和工程师之间架起了桥梁. Understanding all building professions is something that the modern day architect should so. An architect is a Renaissance man /woman and their knowledge should cover many fields.

  • What is the experience working at DMA so far, as opposed to when you were a kid coming here?

Having known this office for a long time, I feel comfortable being employed by both my parents. I've also grown up hanging out with the staff so I've known Kurt for a very long time, 和本在一起十年了. 每个人都很友好,我喜欢这种小型的办公室文化. It's a unique opportunity for me to learn directly from the principal of an architecture firm; it was not possible in the previous firm, there are so many people you have to get to before you can talk to the principal, and oftentimes in larger firms the principals aren't designing much of the work.

所以能和我父亲一起工作真是太棒了, 因为他有这么多经验,有这么多东西可以教我, 我还有很多东西要学. Having the mentor-mentee relationship is going to be very beneficial to my education, 未来会成为一名建筑师.

  • 你喜欢哪一种建筑?

我觉得草原风格很有趣. 它起源于堪萨斯州, 基于广阔的开放空间, 我喜欢它的低调和水平. Of course I'm also biased because I like the modern rustic style that my father uses every day ; after all he's the reason that I got into architecture and I've always loved seeing what has come out of this office. 我就是为此而来的。, because I'd like to design the types of projects that my dube Moulder Architects has been creating for the last thirty years.

  • 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?

I enjoy being creative and building things, such as a coffee table I recently designed. I also play sports: softball and sand volleyball are the main ones at the moment. 高尔夫球、露营和钓鱼是我休息时的其他有趣活动. 我基本上喜欢待在户外,这能让我头脑清醒.